My miracle girl, my rainbow baby, Amelia gave me the opportunity to try my hand at this whole girl-mom thing! She’s simply gorgeous, full of smiles and talks like crazy! She’s such a little flirt and absolutely loves people! She is adored by her brothers, and I can’t wait to see how they play together once she gets a bit older. I couldn’t imagine my life without my three little wildlings. Amelia was the missing piece of our family, and after our loss of my third pregnancy we are just so grateful and beyond blessed to have her in our lives!

My middle wild-child, the biggest “little” brother James could ever have imagined, he’s such a chunky monkey! My strong-willed one, Jaxson isn’t scared of anything and gives his big brother a run for his money! Jaxson is OBSESSED with anything construction related. He loves his trucks and his tools big time! Garbage trucks, dump trucks, orange cones, ‘hammers’ and ‘nails’, you name it, he loves it! Not surprising given his big bro and daddy’s love of cars and getting their hands dirty! Though he had a tough time adjusting to life with a little sister, Jaxson is the most loving brother to James and Amelia now that she has had some time to creep into his heart!

The beautiful blue-eyed boy, my first born. The one who made me a mama to begin with. James is the sweetest boy who loves his brother and sister so much it makes my heart explode to watch him with them. James loves superheroes, playing outside and cars, just like his daddy! James can be an absolute whirlwind, and he’s always so full of love, light and energy I sometimes can’t keep up! He’s the best big brother Jaxson and Amelia could ask for, and I can’t wait to see their friendships grow during my lifetime.
It’s never easy – especially the guilt.
Motherhood isn't easy. AT ALL. Whoever says it is, is [...]
Activities for Kids in Collaboration with Keedo
Don't worry, we got you! We’re spending a lot [...]