To my second born on his half birthday


My sweet second born, I don’t think I could ever explain how much we love you. We weren’t too sure how we could love another human being as much as we love your big brother, but you came along and made it so easy. You are so easy to love and we are in awe of how much our love has grown the past 6 months.


Gosh, it has not been easy. To adapt to having another little being in the house, how to divide our attention and having to learn how to be a mom all over again (because being a mom of an infant is a whole different ballgame.) I forgot everything I did with James and had to learn again with you. You made that so easy for me. We learned together, we laughed together and we cried together.


I’m sorry you sometimes get the short end of the stick. I’m sorry I have to sometimes ignore your moaning while I tend to your older brother. But I thank you for your patience. Your understanding and your smiles from across the room while I quickly try to get a few things done and watch you from a distance. I thank you for all the unconditional love you give me even if I had to ignore you for a while. But those moments that I steal for just the two of us, mean more than anything in the world to me. When we just lay on the bed or on the floor, my heart bursts with joy. Seeing you grow, seeing you smile and seeing you become this independent little boy even though you were born like yesterday.

I feel bad that I neglect you some days just to get some work done. When you in bed, I feel terrible for not clapping and cheering when I saw you rocking on all fours trying to crawl forward. In my head I was, but my body was stuck in “get-shit-done” mode. I know I need to be better and I am trying. 


So let me tell you right here right now. Jaxson Reid, I am SO proud of you. You are rolling all over the show, sitting like a pro, motoring around army crawling like you have places to be and you already know which toys are your favourite. You smile and talk to everyone you see. Today at Woolworths you had the entire queue in stitches with your giggles and funny faces. You know how to win over a crowd and I can see you have my extroverted qualities. Your giggle is infectious and you are destined for amazing things, I just know it. You know what you want and at 6 months old, you go for it!

I love being your mom. You might see me at my worst some days but baby boy, I look at you and you inspire me to be the best mama I can be. Love you always my handsome bald-headed baby boy!


Cake – Shake N Bake (Durbanville)

Onesie – Tiny Tribe Kids

Cake Topper – Rose and Vickory

Basket in background – Simply Child

Bonnet – Little Kindred